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Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Global trends in sustainable energy investment 2008

This report provides an overview of different types of capital flows and an analysis of the trends in sustainable energy investment activity in developed and developing countries.
The information is intended to be a strategic tool for understanding the status of the sustainable energy sector's development and for weighing future public and private commitments to the sector.

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sheeja's picture

Rural electrification in India: economic and institutional aspects of renewables

The paper assesses the demand for rural electricity services and contrasts it with the technology options available for rural electrification. Decentralised Distributed Generation can be economically viable as reflected by case studies reported in

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sheeja's picture

India energy conclave 2007

The India Energy Conclave 2007 would focus on the preparedness of the Indian energy sector to keep up with the rapidly growing Indian economy. It will focus on a wide range of topics of interest to stakeholders. It would cover both conventional and non-conventional energy and focus on policy, power, coal, gas and technology.

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sheeja's picture

The economics of nuclear power

The Economics of Nuclear Power examines the reasons behind the huge delays and cost over-runs which are common to nuclear power construction projects, and concerns over safety and reliability of new technology, concluding: that in country after country nuclear construction has gone massively over budget; that long construction periods are symptomatic of a range of problems including managing the construction of increasingly complex reactor designs, and inherent within the ailing nuclear infrastructure; that combined with the huge subsidies required, uncompetitively high prices, poor reliab

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sheeja's picture

India: addressing energy security and climate change

Addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation involves many stakeholders, cuts across short and long timeframes, and requires that all development projects be assessed for their sensitivity to climate concerns. This integration of climate concerns in the development process has been mainstreamed in India through high-level multistakeholder committees. The National Committee to Assess the Impacts of Climate Change is evaluating the impact of climate change on key development activities, and assessing options to mitigate climate risks.

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sheeja's picture

Energising sustainable development: concepts and projects

A sustainable energy supply is a precondition for economic and social development and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. In many parts of the world, a large share of the population have no access to modern energy services. At best, towns and industries are supplied with antiquated and unsustainable energy facilities.

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sheeja's picture

Global warming: Lok Sabha debates

Lok Sabha debates on global warming.

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shompa's picture

Project Surya: Reduction of air pollution and global warming by cooking with renewable sources: a white paper

This document contains the White paper on Project Surya, aiming at reduction of air pollution and global warming by cooking with renewable sources: a controlled and practical experiment in rural India.

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sheeja's picture

The voluntary carbon offsets market: an analysis of market characteristics and opportunities for sustainable development

A global carbon market has evolved in the wake of negotiations for the United Nations Kyoto Protocol. A number of distinct markets are encompassed within its remit, including a voluntary retail arm. Although the voluntary retail market is very small in comparison to other segments, it has large growth potential as it can extend to countries, customer groups and technologies not embraced by the existing compliance regime.

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sheeja's picture

State of renewable energies in Europe

This new report from EurObserver is being published at a time when the whole world is looking for solutions to the challenges of climate change, energy supply security and competitiveness.

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