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Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Business opportunities in India: energy efficiency and renewable energy

Focussing on energy conservation and on renewable energy sectors whose markets are expected to expand in the future, the symposium informed the audience of the latest policies and market trends in India, as well as to introduce notable business strategies of Japanese and Indian businesses in the two fields.

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sheeja's picture

World energy outlook 2008

Is the world facing a supply crunch due to geology or to inadequate investment? What type of post-Kyoto policy framework could stabilise greenhouse gases at low concentration levels?

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madhu's picture

Sustainable energy for developing countries

Developing and emerging economies face a two-fold energy challenge in the 21st century: Meeting the needs of billions of people who still lack access to basic, modern energy services while simultaneously participating in a global transition to clean, low-carbon energy systems.

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madhu's picture

Renewables 2007: global status report

Renewable energy offers the planet a chance to reduce carbon emissions, clean the air, and put the civilization on a more sustainable footing. It also offers countries around the world the chance to improve their energy security and spur economic development.

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madhu's picture

Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe 2008

This report presents an assessment of progress of European countries towards achieving the objectives of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and their emission targets under the Kyoto Protocol.

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madhu's picture

Rapid turns in European renewable energy policy: advocacy and framing in the proposed trading of guarantees of origin

The EU has assumed ambitious targets and strategies for the promotion of renewable sources of energy (RES) binding to all its member states. This report examines the proposed EU-wide policy instrument designed to help achieve the targets on renewable electricity and heat - the trading of Guarantees of Origin

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