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Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Empowering variable renewables: options for flexible electricity systems

This paper focuses specifically on measures to increase the flexibility of power systems

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sheeja's picture

India renewable energy trends

This paper provides an objective analysis of present day trends in renewable energy in India. Without going unnecessarily into the history and evolution of this sector in the Indian context, the paper seeks to take stock of the current focus and initiatives.

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sheeja's picture

Biofuels sustainability criteria

The role envisioned for liquid biofuels for transport has come under increased scrutiny in the past year or two, due to the potential social and environmental impacts associated with scaling up biofuels production and use from its low level

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sheeja's picture

G8 climate scorecards 2008

The G8 climate scorecards provide a comparable snapshot of the current situation across the G8 countries as well as the five major developing countries. They provide recent and expected emission developments of each country and various other indicators. The scorecards also provide an overview of the most important activities by the governments to respond to the threat of climate

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sheeja's picture

Financial mechanisms for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the food and agriculture sectors

Climate change will have a disproportionate impact on poor developing countries - compared to the expected net effects in developed regions - due to a combination of more severe climatic impacts in areas that are already vulnerable today, coupled with inadequate resources, technology and organizational capacity to adapt to them.

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madhu's picture

Financing rural renewable energy: a comparison between China and India

This paper analyses the current status of rural renewable energy in China and India, develops and employs an analysis framework to study the environment, channels, instruments and innovative mechanisms of financing rural renewable energy in China and India, and makes a primary comparison.

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madhu's picture

Accelerating clean energy technology research, development, and deployment: lessons from non-energy sectors

Climate change is one of the key challenges of this century. Specifically, balancing climate change mitigation and increased energy needs in developing countries poses a serious dilemma that can only be reconciled with new and improved clean energy technologies.

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madhu's picture

Promotion of wind energy : lessons learned from international experience and UNDP-GEF projects

Although wind energy is a rapidly growing technology its use remains geographically concentrated, with more than 75 percent
of global installed capacity found in just five countries. These countries, and others wishing to develop wind energy have

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sheeja's picture

Promotion of wind energy : lessons learned from international experience and UNDP-GEF projects

This report provides a review of the active UNDP-GEF wind energy portfolio. It looks at the design, costs and efficiency of existing projects, drawing on the experience of 14 wind energy projects that have been financed through UNDP to help national governments implement wind energy public policies. It includes a detailed analysis and recommendations for future projects on prioritizing countries, choosing types of policies and designing mechanisms. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), for example, emerges as a possible way of increasing revenues of wind energy projects.

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