Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Global energy revolution: a sustainable world energy outlook

This publication provides stimulating analysis on future scenarios of energy use, which focus on a range of technologies that are expected to emerge in the coming years and decades. There is now universal recognition of the fact that new technologies and much greater use of some that already exist provide the most hopeful prospects for mitigation of emissions of GHGs.

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csekiran's picture

Integrated Energy Policy

Achieving an efficient configuration of the various forms of energy requires consistency in the policies governing each sector and consistency in the pricing of different types of energy. There is also a need for clarity in the direction

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csekiran's picture

Integrated Energy Policy

Achieving an efficient configuration of the various forms of energy requires consistency in the policies governing each sector and consistency in the pricing of different types of energy. There is also a need for clarity in the direction

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sheeja's picture

Integrated energy policy: report of the expert committee

India faces formidable challenges in meeting its energy needs and in providing adequate energy of desired quality in various forms in a sustainable manner and at competitive prices. This Expert Committee report provides a broad overarching framework for guiding the policies governing the production and use of different forms of energy from various sources. It makes specific recommendations on a very large range of issues.

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sheeja's picture

CDM country guide for India

India's economic growth is mainly based on energy from fossil fuels like coal and therefore
has considerable potential in reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well in CDM
participation. CDM projects starting after January 1, 2000, are eligible to earn certified emission reductions (CERs). However the modalities and procedures of the CDM may be too complex to exploit its full benefit. This guidebook will provide a roadmap to the project developers and investors for realizing the full benefit of CDM within the allotted time frame.

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sheeja's picture

Transitioning to renewable energy: an analytical framework for creating an enabling environment

This study and the workshops that lead up to the International Conference for Renewable Energy 2004 in Bonn are primarily focused on learning experiences between Southern nations.

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shompa's picture

The Electricity Act, 2003

This document contains text of the Electricity Act, 2003 [No. 36 OF 2003].

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sheeja's picture

Equity watch: UNFCCC/CoP6, The Hague, 13 - 24 November, 2000

Special editions of the 6th Conference of Parties (CoP-6) to the United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC), The Hague, The Netherlands, 13 - 24 November, 2000.

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