Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Last gasp of the coal industry

This report takes a look behind the bright vision of carbon capture and storage

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shompa's picture

Climate change and sustainable energy policies in Europe and the United States

The success of responsible public policies to tackle climate change will depend on public support and the full involvement of civil society in both Europe and America, as well as in other parts of the world which contribute significantly to global

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shompa's picture

A comparison of emission pathways and policy mixes to achieve major reductions in Australias electricity sector

The Australian government is set to introduce an emission trading scheme (ETS) which it plans to commence in 2010. Although the government has released a Green Paper outlining the parameters for the design of an emission trading scheme, one of the key debating points is around the caps on emissions, particularly over the medium term.

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sheeja's picture

Combating climate change: the EU leads the way

The international consensus is growing that the planet is facing irreversible climate change unless action is taken quickly.

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madhu's picture

Green jobs: towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world

Green Jobs: Towards Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World is the first comprehensive report on the emergence of a

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sheeja's picture

Turning a liability into an asset: landfill methane utilisation potential in India

Solid waste disposal sites are not often seen as opportunities for energy solutions. The waste that is disposed in open dumps and landfills generates methane and other gases as it decomposes, causing concerns about explosions, odours, and, increasingly, about the contribution of methane to global climate change. However, the liability of landfill gas (LFG) can be turned into an asset.

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