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Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

The missing piece in climate policy: renewable heating and cooling in Germany and the U.S.

This report focuses specifically on the topic of renewable energy for heating and cooling for two reasons. First, the heating and cooling sector contributes largely to energy consumption, and therefore the emission of greenhouse gases. Globally, heating and cooling accounts for an estimated 40-50% of final energy demand.

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shompa's picture

The Obama-Biden new energy for America plan

America has always risen to great challenges, and our dependence on oil is one of the greatest we have ever faced. It

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sheeja's picture

Renewable energy project: concept paper on community energy service provider


The purpose of this paper is to outline the principles of CESP (Community Energy Service Providers) and the issues involved, and to explain the CESP operational modality as applied in the REP (Renewable Energy Project).

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sheeja's picture

Making sense of the voluntary carbon market: a comparison of carbon offset standards

This report discusses the role of the voluntary carbon offset market and provides an overview and guide to the most important currently available voluntary carbon offset standards using the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a benchmark. Carbon offset markets have been promoted as an important part of the solution to the climate crisis because of their economic and environmental efficiency and their potential to deliver sustainability co-benefits through technology transfer and capacity building.

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sheeja's picture

Making sense of the voluntary carbon market: a comparison of carbon offset standards

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This report discusses the role of the voluntary carbon offset market and provides an overview and guide to the most important currently available voluntary carbon offset standards using the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a benchmark .The report compares the standards side-by-side and outlines the most pertinent aspects of each.

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sheeja's picture

Energy statistics 2007

Proper energy planning is essential for achieving energy security. Every country has to formulate its own policy to optimize the use of different energy sources for meeting the demands of its household, agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors. This necessitates an integrated and updated database of the production and consumption of different energy sources viz., coal, crude, petroleum, natural gas and electricity (hydro and nuclear). The present issue, "Energy Statistics 2007', is the 15th issue in the series.

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sheeja's picture

IPCC scoping meeting on renewable energy sources: proceedings

This paper contains the proceedings of the IPCC scoping meeting on renewable energy sources held at L

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susan's picture

Public finance mechanisms to mobilise investment in climate change mitigation

In August 2007, the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) published a technical paper, Investment and Financial Flows to Address Climate Change, which estimated that USD200?210 billion in additional investment will be required annually by 2030 to meet global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets.

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sheeja's picture

Switched-on India: how can India address climate change and meet its energy needs?

This report examines the development dilemma that India faces. India has an extremely large economy and a rapid rate of economic growth, so will emit large amounts of GHG. However, the population overall is very poor, and development will require access to basic energy services; meanwhile the Government is Very nervous of taking on costly decarbonisation commitments.

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sheeja's picture

Global energy revolution: a sustainable Japan energy outlook

This publication provides stimulating analysis on future scenarios of energy use, which focus on a range of technologies that are expected to emerge in the coming years and decades.There is now universal recognition of the fact that new technologies and much greater use of some that already exist provide the most hopeful prospects for mitigation of emissions of GHGs.

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