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Reports and Documents

madhu's picture

A roadmap for U.S. China cooperation on energy and climate change

The world faces no greater challenge in the 21st century than arresting the rapidly increasing accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause climate change. The two largest

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madhu's picture

Turning a liability into an asset: the importance of policy in fostering landfill gas use worldwide

The purpose of this document is to identify and examine global policies, measures, and incentives that appear to be stimulating landfill gas (LFG) use.

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madhu's picture

Nuclear power: a dangerous waste of time

This briefing outlines why nuclear power is a woefully inadequate response to the climate crisis and how, in contrast, renewable energy and greater energy efficiency can deliver in time to tackle climate change, without any of the dangers posed by nuclear power.

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shompa's picture

Potential Impacts of a global cap and share scheme in India

This study sought to identify the initial impact that a global Cap and Share scheme might have on India, based on a set of limiting assumptions. In particular, it attempts to quantify the immediate impact

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madhu's picture

The climate change performance index 2009

The Climate Change Performance Index 2009, presented by Germanwatch and CAN-Europe, shows that not a single country is

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susan's picture

Corporate governance and climate change: Consumer and technology companies

Volatile energy prices and growing environmental concerns have catapulted climate change to the top of corporate agendas of many industries. Until now, attention has focused on emissions-intensive industries, such as power generation and oil production. Yet climate change is a critical issue for all sectors of the economy.

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susan's picture

Carbon Disclosure Project Report 2008: India 200

The second report on Carbon Disclosure Project in India by WWF-India, CII- ITC CESD and CDP provides global and domestic investors with an analysis of how India's 200 largest companies are responding to climate change.

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