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Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

World energy outlook 2010

Updated projections of energy demand, production, trade and investment, fuel by fuel and region by region to 2035 are provided in the 2010 edition of the World Energy Outlook (WEO). It includes, for the first time, a new scenario that anticipates future actions by governments to meet the commitments they have made to tackle climate change and growing energy insecurity.

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sheeja's picture

Renewable energy in industrial applications: an assessment of the 2050 potential

In recent years, renewable energy has increasingly attracted public and policy attention particularly for its potential to contribute to
reductions in GHG emissions. Most interest has focused on the use of renewables in power generation and as biofuels.

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sheeja's picture

A critique on Planning Commission document on Integrated Energy Policy: executive summary


Energy has become a crucial sector of the modern society, so much so that per capita availability of energy is considered as an indicator of economic prosperity.

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sheeja's picture

Investing in clean energy: how can developed countries best help developing countries finance climate-friendly energy investments?

The report, which is the product of qualitative research carried out in eight countries, assesses the extent of the finance gap for clean energy in developing countries and the barriers to scaling up private sector investment in low-carbon energy solutions.

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Capacity development for environmental management and governance in the energy sector in Developing Countries

The relationships between energy, the environment, and development are deep and complex. The International Energy Agency has noted that energy is deeply implicated in each of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of human development. Energy services provide an essential input to economic activity, contribute to social development, and help meet basic human needs.

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sheeja's picture

World energy outlook 2010: executive summary

The 2010 edition of the World Energy Outlook (WEO) provides updated projections of energy demand, production, trade and investment, fuel by fuel and region by region to 2035. It includes, for the first time, a new scenario that anticipates future actions by governments to meet the commitments they have made to tackle climate change and growing energy insecurity.

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sheeja's picture

Transfer of environmentally sound technologies: case studies from GEF climate change portfolio

This publication is part of a series of products and activities for dissemination, developed under the Poznan Strategic Program on
Technology Transfer.

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sheeja's picture

Climate change in Southeast Asia: focused actions on the frontlines of climate change

Southeast Asia is on the frontlines of efforts to counter climate change and its impacts. The countries of the region, spread across archipelagos, river basins, and forests, are home to some of the world's most spectacular natural and cultural diversity.

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