Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Biomass fuel supply study in the state of Rajasthan

In the order dated 11th Oct., 2010, Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) had nominated Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd., nodal agency for the promotion of renewable energy in the state, to get the prices and the price trend of main biomass fuel in the state studied/surveyed, particularly in respect of mustard crop waste

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sheeja's picture

Moving from 20 to 30% emissions reduction by 2020?

Reaching the 80% 2050 emissions reduction target while securing the benefits of transitioning towards a low carbon economy.

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sheeja's picture

A pocket guide to sustainable development governance

Stakeholder Forum together with the Commonwealth Secretariat have produced a new book as part of of the sdg2012 programme entitled: "A Pocket Guide to Sustainable Development Governance".  The guide was initiated by Stakeholder Forum and the Commonwealth Secretariat in response to the perceived ‘knowledge gap’ on the history and dynamics of global governance for susta

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susan's picture

Analysis of UK wind power generation (Nov 2008-Dec 2010)

There is a growing concern that wind generation may not be able to deliver the contribution which has been predicted and used in government projection assumptions. Several studies have indicated that output is often less than anticipated or was claimed, at the planning stage of development. Every wind

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sheeja's picture

India's clean revolution

India’s Clean Revolution analyzes the low carbon development path India must take, for a share of the USD 2.2 trillion global clean technology market. The report argues that by prioritizing bold low carbon policies and investing in clean energy now, India is creating a better, more secure, and more prosperous future for its more than one billion people.

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sheeja's picture

Interactions of policies for renewable energy and climate

This paper explores the relationships between climate policy and renewable energy policy instruments. It shows that, even where CO2 emissions are duly priced, specific incentives for supporting the early deployment of renewable energy technologies are justified by the steep learning curves of nascent technologies.

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shompa's picture

Strategic plan for new and renewable energy sector for the period of 2011-17

MNRE has initiated systematic programmes for renewables including for research and development. Renewable energy is currently experiencing increasing vibrancy across all sectors of the economy driven by sustained economic growth and growing global concerns regarding climate change.

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shompa's picture

Unleashing the potential of renewable energy in India

This new World Bank report assesses the feasibility of developing renewable energy in India & says that renewables can play an important role in increasing country's energy security by diversifying supply, reducing import dependence & mitigating fuel price volatility.

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sheeja's picture

Making integrated food-energy systems work for people and climate: an overview

Producing food and energy side-by-side may offer one of the best formulas for boosting countries' food and energy security while simultaneously reducing poverty according to this new FAO report.

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sheeja's picture

UNEP year book 2011: emerging issues in our global environment

This 8th Edition of the UN Environment Programme flagship report, the UNEP Year Book 2011, examines global emerging issues and provides the latest environmental science. It also highlights major environmental events and developments over the past year, and presents the most recent data and indicator trends.

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