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Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Road map for up scaling and mainstreaming renewables: DIREC 2010 report

Government of India hosted Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference (DIREC) 2010, the fourth in the series of global Ministerial-level Conference on Renewable Energy from 27th to 29th October, 2010. DIREC 2010 was an effort to provide an important forum for international discourse on renewable energy.

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Empowering rural India: expanding electricity access by mobilizing local resources

A new World Bank Report says decentralizing power generation and distribution to the local level through the distribution grid of the state utility by using renewable energy sources will help reduce prolonged outages and increase electricity supply in rural areas.

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Access to energy - enhancing effectiveness in electricity distribution and end use

This report provides an overview of the joint Ministry of Power-UNDP project that seeks to improve access to clean energy and demonstrate mechanisms to manage more effectively, energy and electricity at district levels in Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Access to clean energy is an important ingredient of any energy and development policy.

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Green race is on: low carbon economy index 2010


By the year 2050, the world will need to reduce its carbon intensity by around 88% if it hopes to limit climate change to 2°C of warming.  So concludes PwC’s Low Carbon Economy Index 2010, a report assessing the G20 countries’ achievements in reducing their carbon intensity levels—defined as the ratio of emissions to GDP—since 2000, and analysing the distance ea

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sheeja's picture

Opportunities for private sector engagement in urban climate change resilience building

Asian cities are especially susceptible to unpredictable environmental change, as these cities are expected to account for more than 60 percent of global population growth in the next 30 years.

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Access to clean energy: a glimpse of off grid projects in India

This publication presents case studies from across the country that illustrate the utilization of renewable energy sources with a wide range of applications across various sectors. 

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Impact of the global financial crisis on investments in South Asia's electric power infrastructure

While the global financial crisis appears to have had little impact on the flow of funds to South Asia’s power sector, the sector still needs up to $150 billion in additional investments to meet its growing electricity demand by 2015 says this report by World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP).

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sheeja's picture

Empowering villages: a comparative analysis of DESI power and husk power Systems

This comparative analysis of two biomass - based decentralized renewable energy companies operating in Bihar, DESI Power and Husk Power Systems, provides insight into business strategy and technological suitability of biomass based decentralized energy generation plants for rural India and highlights critical elements that may be of high relevance for replicating similar solutions in other geographical locations.

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