Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Assessment of the existing sustainable renewable energy based enterprise models across India and gathering potential evidence to influence policy change: final report

The purpose of this report is to analyze some of the models of sustainable energy enterprises, which have been in operation and are even evolving with the changing market situation in different parts of the country.

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sheeja's picture

Towards a green economy: pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication - a synthesis for policy makers

The new UNEP report demonstrates that a transition to a green economy is possible by investing 2% of global GDP per year (currently about US 1.3 trillion) between now and 2050 in a green transformation of key sectors, including agriculture, buildings, energy, fisheries, forests, manufacturing, tourism, transport, water &  waste management.

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shompa's picture

Quantifying Carbon and Distributional Benefits of Solar Home System Programs in Bangladesh

This document is the Policy Research Working Paper by the World  Bank. Scaling-up adoption of renewable energy technology, such as solar home systems, to expand electricity access in developing countries can accelerate the transition to

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sheeja's picture

Guidelines for implementation of the programme on development of solar cities

The goal of the program is to promote the use of renewable energy in urban areas by providing support to the municipal corporations for preparation and implementation of a road map to develop their cities as solar cities.

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sheeja's picture

The energy report: 100% renewable energy by 2050

This new study produced through a collaboration between World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Ecofys outlines how all the world's energy can be provided cleanly, renewably and economically by 2050.

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susan's picture

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Report 2011


2010 was a year of contrasts. Many countries bounced back from recession while several others faced difficult economic and fiscal adjustments, which in some cases are still ongoing.

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sheeja's picture

Quantifying carbon and distributional benefits of renewable energy programs: the Bangladesh case study on solar home systems

Scaling-up adoption of renewable energy technology—such as solar home systems (SHS)—to expand electricity access in developing countries can accelerate the transition to low-carbon economic development. Using a national household survey, this study quantifies the carbon and distributional benefits of SHS programs in Bangladesh. Three key findings are generated from

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sheeja's picture

Low carbon development path for Asia and the Pacific: challenges and opportunities to the energy sector

This new publication presents the low carbon development path for Asia and the Pacific. It shows that  this region must overcome several challenges to secure the growing energy requirements needed to maintain strong development trend while at the same time pursue a low carbon development path.
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sheeja's picture

Road map for up scaling and mainstreaming renewables: DIREC 2010 report

Government of India hosted Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference (DIREC) 2010, the fourth in the series of global Ministerial-level Conference on Renewable Energy from 27th to 29th October, 2010. DIREC 2010 was an effort to provide an important forum for international discourse on renewable energy.

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