Reports and Documents

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Union Budget 2010-11 - what does it say on the green concerns: CSE

This is an analysis of the Union budget 2010-11 by CSE. Says that the budget holds promise on clean and renewable energy but it is woefully lacking in any initiative on public transport or pollution management.

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Comparative study on rural electrification policies in emerging economies: keys to successful policies

Brazil, China, India and South Africa have each worked to improve access to electricity services. While many of the challenges faced by these countries are similar, the means of addressing them varied in their application and effectiveness. This report analyses the four country profiles, determining the pre-requisites to successful rural electrification policies.

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Low-carbon jobs in an interconnected world

This paper focuses on the emerging debate concerning the creation of

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Environmental policy design characteristics and technological innovation: evidence from patent data

This paper focuses on the issue of innovation and technology transfer in the areas of air pollution abatement, wastewater effluent treatment, solid waste management, and climate change mitigation. The paper describes the trends in innovative activity related to selected areas of pollution abatement and control technologies and their transfer internationally.

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Building sector policies and regulation for promotion of solar water heating system: final report

This document presents national and international best practices on solar water heater and reviews the building sector policies and regulations in India in the context of solar water heating (SWH) system promotion & assesses their effectiveness.

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Design and implementation of new financing mechanisms and instruments for promotion of solar water heating systems in India

An effective financial assistance can play an important role in promotion of SWHS. The involvement of various stakeholders in the development and implementation of financing mechanisms and instruments is essential to understand the financial needs of different kinds of sectors and demand segments in India.

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Shifting of goal posts: rural electrification in India - a progress report

In this report commissioned by Christian Aid India, the Vasudha Foundation presents a clear analysis of the lack of progress in rural electrification across India. The report highlights the failure the conventional national grid approach to deliver reliable electricity supplies to rural people in India and presents a viable alternative approach using decentralised renewable power.

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Systems for change: nuclear power vs. energy efficiency + renewables?

A new myth of the nuclear lobby is the claim that nuclear power and renewable energies are complementary forms of energy. The authors Antony Froggat and Mycle Schneider prove the opposite: those who build nuclear power plants hinder the expansion of renewable energies.

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Regional analysis of policy reforms to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy investments

The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has published a report titled "Regional Analysis for Policy Reforms to Promote Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investments." The report provides recommendations to develop and implement policy reforms supporting market formation and fostering a favorable climate for investments in the sectors of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

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