Summary of guidelines for energy efficiency measures in commercial and residential buildings

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In India, there are several norms, regulations, codes and standards to establish energy efficient buildings that have been evolved by various ministries and government bodies. The MNRE invited consultants to bid for an assignment which shall harmonize various energy efficiency and renewable energy related codes/standards/ norms and guidelines for buildings and larger habitats. The aim of this study is to propose a set of climatic zone-wise passive architectural guidelines including other energy efficiency and renewable measures for buildings both in residential & commercial sectors to be followed by CPWD and Municipal Corporations all over the country. The guidelines are in harmonization with ECBC 2007, NBC 2005, EIA notification 2006, other relevant IS codes. The guidelines have taken into account the provisions of the National Building Code 2005; the Energy Conservation Building Code 2007 announced by BEE and other IS codes. The guidelines by its qualitative and quantitative assessment criteria would be able to ensure an optimized green building design focusing on passive and other energy efficient techniques. It would be applied to new building
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