Renewables readiness assessment: Belarus

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Greening the energy sector would directly reduce emissions, thereby supporting a sustainable and environmentally sound development pathway for the country. Increased renewable energy deployment would also have a direct contribution towards the country’s economic growth and energy sector security as well as contributing to local value creation, including employment opportunities and industrial development. This Renewables Readiness Assessment from IRENA highlights the challenges and provides 11 recommendations to harness the potential of renewable energy sources in Belarus. These are as follows: Revising renewable energy targets; Improving the quota allocation for renewables; Designing renewable energy auctions; Developing a law on energy and heat; Harnessing renewable energy potentials in heating; Developing an energy sector master plan with higher shares of renewables; Adopting a grid code for renewables; Improving variable renewable power generation forecasting; improving de-risking mechanisms for renewable energy investments; Standardising PPAs; and Building human and institutional capacities for renewable energy development.

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