Renewable energy and jobs: annual review 2023

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Worldwide employment in renewable energy reached 13.7 million in 2022, an increase of one million since 2021 and up from a total of 7.3 million in 2012, according to this new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

This tenth edition of IRENA’s Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review, produced in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), provides the latest estimates of renewable energy employment globally and an overview of the renewable energy employment landscape as of 2022. It discusses deployment trends and policy contexts in selected countries. The report highlights growing interest in localising supply chains, driven not only by concerns about possible disruptions due to natural disasters, trade disputes or geopolitical rivalries but also by interest in boosting domestic value creation and jobs. Numerous countries are adopting industrial policy strategies to this end, while many resource-rich countries are taking steps to move beyond being suppliers of raw materials.

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Renewables jobs nearly doubled in past decade, soared to 13.7 million in 2022