Guidelines for installation of mobile base station towers, Goa state

sheeja's picture

The popularity of cell phone and wireless communication devices has resulted in a proliferation of cell towers across the country. Fixation of standards for exposure limits of radio frequency field emissions from mobile base stations, monitoring their compliance, all radiation related technical issues and issues of Access Service License / Infrastructure Provider registration and SACFA clearance for frequency allocation at any location are dealt with by the Department of Telecommunication (DoT). Telecom towers have been given infrastructure status by Government of India vide Gazette Notification No. 81 dated 28.03.2012. Accordingly, India has adopted strict limit for radiation from Base Transceiver Station (BTS), which is l/10th of the International norms (ICNIRP). Based on the above and as per the compliance with the advisory guidelines issued by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India, dated 1st August 2013, the Government proposes the following guidelines for installation of site-specific location of Mobile Base Station Tower (MBST) in the State.

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