Framework for promotion of decentralised renewable energy livelihood applications

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The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) on Feb 14, 2022 has issued Framework for Promotion of Decentralised Renewable Energy (DRE) Livelihood applications. The following has been stated namely: The following steps support promotion of DRE livelihood applications namely: 1. Assessment of Demand - Assessing the possibilities or potential of deployment of DRE livelihood applications across various sectors of the economy and across different regions with the support of Sectoral Ministries, State Nodal Agencies, State Rural Livelihood Missions, Other State Government Departments, Civil Society Organisations and Private Sector.
2. Research & Development and Standardization - Innovation, research and development of DRE technologies to offer tailor-made solutions is important for their widespread adoption. 3. Public Information and Awareness - Awareness about the appropriate DRE technologies and related services amongst the relevant stakeholders is required for taking the necessary decisions and encourage participation. 4. Programmes of Various Ministries/ Departments - It is pertinent to identify and exploit opportunities for DRE livelihood applications under schemes of various Ministries and Department of Central/State Government. Implementation Agencies and Implementation Cell - Schemes of different Ministries/Departments are being implemented by various central / state agencies. SNAs for Renewable Energy having expertise for the RE sector will coordinate with these implementing agencies to provide technical support for DRE livelihood applications.

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