Exploring business models for agrivoltaics in India - Karnataka: a case study

sheeja's picture

Novel and viable alternatives are warranted to achieve the 500 GW renewable energy target for 2030. Agrivoltaics (agriPV) is one such promising technology for optimising land usage by combining agriculture with PV. A major challenge in terms of the implementation of agriPV is the development of suitable business models. This is because of the involvement of farmers as the primary stakeholders. Previously, in the event of any deviation from normal farming patterns, the country has witnessed disturbances and even government bills being repealed. This policy brief explores various business models for agriPV in India and highlights the pros and cons of each model. Karnataka has been taken as a case study for quantification purposes. The model proposing Shared Ownership poses more opportunities and fewer weaknesses and is the most profitable model for farmers.

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