Energy pathways for the 2030 agenda: SDG 7 roadmap for Bhutan

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This Road Map for achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 7 targets presents a detailed assessment of the energy system of Bhutan. It offers a least-cost pathway to providing universal access to clean cooking fuels and technologies, growing the share of renewable energy across all sectors, and doubling the historic rate of energy efficiency improvement. Taking a holistic approach to the energy system by using the National Expert SDG Tool for Energy Planning (NEXSTEP), the Road Map was developed in close consultation with national policymakers and experts having a deep understanding of the country’s resources and future direction to plan an energy transition that reflects national development strategies and is aligned with global goals and targets. The Road Map presents a range of opportunities to achieve the Goal 7 targets while improving energy security, maintaining or deepening Bhutan’s carbon-negative status, and improving the health of its citizens through reduced indoor air pollution. It sets out five key policy recommendations to increase access to clean cooking technology, improve indoor space heating technologies, electrify the transport sector, implement mandatory green building codes and energy-efficient cooking regulations, and decarbonize the industry.

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