Draft Electricity (Rights of Consumer) Amendment Rules, 2021

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The Union Power Ministry, in a bid to promote renewable energy, issued an amendment to the Draft Electricity (Rights of Consumer) Amendment Rules, 2021. This mandates consumers using diesel generating (DG) sets to endeavour to shift to a cleaner technology, such as renewable energy with battery storage, in five years from the date of the publication of the amendment or as per the timelines given by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission based on the reliability of supply from the distribution company in that city. In view of the rise in pollution levels, particularly in cities, the distribution licensee shall ensure 24x7 uninterrupted power supply, so that there is no requirement to run DG sets. Accordingly, the State Electricity Regulatory Commission shall give the trajectory of System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) and System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for the cities, said the ministry.

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