Chilling prospects: tracking sustainable cooling for all 2022

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This report shines a light on the cooling access challenges faced today and how they may change by 2030. It shows that the risks to the most vulnerable from extreme heat are growing due to a lack of access to sustainable cooling. People will remain at high risk if we fail to meet key SDGs that enable access to cooling: universal electrification and eradicating extreme poverty. Chilling Prospects 2022 examines global cooling-access gaps among 54 high-impact countries and the high-temperature regions of 22 countries not considered high impact. It disaggregates between populations at high risk due to a lack of access to cooling (the rural and urban poor), those at medium risk (the lower-middle-income population) and those at low risk (the middle-income population). While most of the populations at high risk are in high-impact countries, efforts to leave no one behind must recognize where risk exists, even in countries not considered high impact.

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