Air quality and health in cities: a state of global air report 2022

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India is home to 18 of the 20 cities with the most severe increase in fine particle pollutants or PM2.5 from 2010 to 2019, according to this comprehensive and detailed analysis of air pollution and global health effects for over 7,000 cities, published by the Health Effects Institute (HEI).

This report provides an overview of air pollution levels and associated health impacts in cities around the world. Since urban areas are often hotspots for poor air quality, city-level data can help to inform targeted efforts to curb urban air pollution and improve public health. This report draws on data from the Global Burden of Disease project and from peer-reviewed analyses led by Susan Anenberg of the George Washington University.

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India home to 18 of 20 cities with most severe rise in PM2.5 pollution: Report