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Feature Article

susan's picture

Optimizing wind power generation while minimizing wildlife impacts in an Urban Area

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The location of a wind turbine is critical to its power output, which is strongly affected by the local wind field. Turbine operators typically seek locations with the best wind at the lowest level above ground since turbine height affects installation costs. In many urban applications, such as small-scale turbines owned by local communities or organizations, turbine placement is challenging because of limited available space and because the turbine often must be added without removing existing infrastructure, including buildings and trees.

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lalit's picture

US challenges India's solar energy policy before WTO

'It is an attempt to browbeat India and further the interest of US solar companies'

The US has challenged India's solar energy policy before the World Trade Organisation (WTO), saying it favours domestic sourcing of solar panels. The challenge, filed on February 6, says the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) flouts global trade norms.

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susan's picture

Texas mega-battery aims to green up the grid

In a remote corner of west Texas, in the shadow of a sprawling wind farm, one of the world's largest batteries was switched on last week. Deep in oil country, the battery is at the vanguard of efforts to help renewable energy sources realise their potential and, ultimately, oust fossil fuels in the US.

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susan's picture

Geophysical limits to global wind power


Wind power is a near-zero-emissions source of energy. Although at present wind turbines are placed on the Earth’s surface, high-altitude winds offer greater possibilities for power generation. This study uses a climate model to estimate power generation for both surface and high-altitude winds, and finds that the latter provide much more power, but at a possible climate cost. However, there are unlikely to be substantial climate effects in meeting the present global demand.

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susan's picture

Plenty of wind


By exerting a drag on the atmosphere, wind turbines convert a fraction of the atmosphere's kinetic energy to electrical energy. To find the point of diminishing returns, a new study adds so much drag to a simulated atmosphere that the winds slow to a crawl.

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susan's picture

Lost in transition

lalit's picture

Tamil Nadu aims for 1,000 MW solar power; falls short by half

Uncertainty over payment and short time frame keeps developers away

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susan's picture

Following the sun


A solar tracking system can make a major difference to the output from two solar photovoltaic (PV) projects located in the same area and having the same or similar PV modules and balance-of-plant systems. However, decisions regarding the use of a tracker can often be difficult for developers and may involve significant trade-offs between increased output, and the cost of installing a tracking system and maintaining it.

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susan's picture

SHP financing - Issues and solutions


The country has a small-hydro power (SHP) potential of about 15.4 GW. Of this, only 22 per cent (3.4 GW) was developed as of March 2012. The main reason for the slow growth is the lack of funding opportunities for the segment owing to the risks and challenges associated with SHP project development. These include a long gestation period, the lack of large developers and the absence of a strong regulatory framework.

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susan's picture

Waning interest - Policy support required to fast-track SHP development


Small-hydro power (SHP) capacity of about 2,400 MW has been added in the past 15 years. However, developer interest in the segment has decreased in recent years.

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