Feature Article

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Wind energy scenario in India

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More than 90 per cent investments in the wind power sector come from private sector which indicates that we have adequate capacity and desire to harness wind energy. however, we need a stable regulatory and policy framework and better incentive mechanisms to achieve the target of the 12th Plan period in particular, and the target of 15 per cent of renewable power by 2020, in general.

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susan's picture

Industry perspectives on wind energy

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India with its enormous wind power potential is poised to enter a new era where wind power may become the panacea of all our energy woes.

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susan's picture

Economic performance and policies for grid-connected residential solar photovoltaic systems in Brazil

We analyze the economic competitiveness of grid-connected, distributed solar photovoltaic generation through small-scale rooftop installations in five Brazilian state-capitals. The locations represent a comprehensive set of the two essential parameters for the economic viability of PV—solar irradiation and local electricity tariffs. Levelized electricity costs (LEC) for PV generation and net present values (NPV) for a specific PV system are presented.

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susan's picture

A looming biomess

Biomass power sector is in trouble. About 60 per cent of the country’s grid-connected power plants that run on biomass are either closed or about to be closed. Reason: rising fuel price, unrevised tariff and government apathy.

For full text: http://www.downtoearth.org.in/content/looming-biomess

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shompa's picture

EU biofuel targets fuelling inflation: study

Land meant for food crops being used to grow biofuel crops; may push up food prices by 36 per cent by 2020. The European Union’s biofuel production targets are depriving people of food, land and water across the world. Increasing biofuel production is one of the measures taken to reduce fossil fuel emissions and save the environment. But it is resulting in food price inflation and serious cases of land grabs in poor countries, says the recent report, The Hunger Grains, by Oxfam, an international non-profit.

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susan's picture

Going off-grid to power solution

Supply issues comprise one part of the energy conundrum, as we discussed last fortnight. The cost of energy and our ability to pay for it is the other. The matter gets vexed because the rise in price of raw material of all energy sources is accompanied by huge inefficiency in distribution and accounting. But importantly, we remain a poor country where cost of energy is a factor in its availability and accessibility for all.

For full text: http://www.downtoearth.org.in/content/going-grid-power-solution

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susan's picture

Climate–society feedbacks and the avoidance of dangerous climate change


Future greenhouse-gas emissions need to deviate from a fossil-fuel intensive scenario to avoid dangerous climate change, and this implies feedback links between climate change and societal actions. Research shows that the global growth of new renewable energy post-1990 represents an annual climate–society feedback of ∼ 0.25% per degree increase in global mean temperature.

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susan's picture

Climate change, India and the global negotiations


Climate change caused by greenhouse-gas emissions has become the greatest threat to Planet Earth. The impact of relentlessly rising temperatures is already apparent in frequent extreme weather events, people’s displacement and economic devastation. The North’s industrialised countries are primarily responsible for causing climate change, but its harshest effects are manifest in the developing South.

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Solar set asides and renewable electricity certificates: Early lessons from North Carolina's experience with its renewable portfolio standard

This paper assesses the market developments in North Carolina's solar energy industry following the state's adoption of a renewable portfolio standard (RPS). It first reviews how solar renewable electricity certificates (SRECs) are intended to act as a support mechanism for the installation and financing of solar power in North Carolina's RPS compliance market. The paper then analyzes why SRECs have not precipitated growth in the solar industry thus far.

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shompa's picture

Reservoirs losing capacity

Floods hit power projects in Himalayan states; plans for more raise safety concerns. Heavy rainfall leading to flash floods in Himalayan rivers in July-end devastated three states—Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. It claimed 34 human lives and damaged property extensively. It also brought into focus the precarious condition of more than a dozen dams in the region.

For full text: http://www.downtoearth.org.in/content/reservoirs-losing-capacity

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