Making sense of climate debate
Book: The politics of climate change and the global crisis: mortgaging our future, by Praful Bidwai, Orient Blackswan, Rs 750.
Ever since climate change and its probable effects on earth became common knowledge, much has been written about the topic. The world has been riveted by various climate change negotiations that have taken place and at times frustrated at their slow pace. The very process of proposing (let alone implementing) a solution to this grave problem is so convoluted that most of us would be forgiven for posing questions that perhaps only the au courant climate change experts can answer. For instance, how can you and I, who have a vital stake in a global solution to the climate crisis, become actors in the effort to resolve it? In what manner can people on the ground, particularly the underprivileged, participate in decision making on climate issues? How might the disadvantaged peoples of the South articulate and express their concerns given the asymmetries of power between developed and developing nations? Praful Bidwai’s The Politics of Climate Change and the Global Crisis: Mortgaging Our Future answers these questions eloquently.
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