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steel industry: To produce one tonne of steel, India spends 9.5 million kilocalories. In Italy it is 4.3 million kilocalories and for Japan it is only 4.1 million kilocalories.
cement industry: Over 2 million kilocalories are used to produce one tonne of cement in India. In Germany it is 0.82 million kilocalories, in USA, just 0.92 million kilocalories.
vehicles: Experts say that we should move towards using lighter materials for cars. Instead of steel, we should use aluminium, fibre glass or plastics. These lighter materials can reduce the weight by 15 per cent and increase the fuel economy by 6-8 per cent.
regrigrators: Better technologies reduced the annual energy needed by a typical Danish 200-litre refrigerator (with no freezer) from 350 kilo Watt hour (kWh) to 90 kWh.
lightning: A single 18-watt compact fluorescent lamp, replacing a standard 75-watt incandescent lamp, can save over its lifetime, at least 200 litres of oil fed into a oil-fired powered station. This is enough to drive an ordinary family car for 1,600 kilometres.