Challenges and prospects for wind energy to attain 20% grid penetration by 2020 in India

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With wind energy being the most realistic large-scale renewable energy source in the near future, we examine the target for wind energy penetration in India for 2020. Achieving the target set by the Indian Wind Power Association of 20% wind power grid penetration by 2020 will act as a lighthouse, but will also depend on a number of factors such as suitable policies and regulation, appropriate wind turbine technology, availability of sites onshore and offshore, reliable and accurate wind resource assessment, grid capacity, power system management and market design in order to accommodate a large-scale integration of wind power. In the article, we discuss the trends in the development of wind energy and the factors which we consider decisive for the development of wind power in India. Experiences and policies from Europe and Denmark, where wind power already
today contributes 20% to the total electricity production, are discussed in relation to India and the Indian 20% goal. Wind assessment studies that have been carried out presently and those required in the near future are elaborated. Numerical wind atlas simulations based on existing wind resource data in India are delineated. The Government policies and regulations that influence and sustain wind power are also outlined and discussed.

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