Reports and Documents

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Community solar for advancing power sector reforms and the net-zero goals

The study examines the role of the utility-led community solar model in accelerating rooftop solar adoption and in the financial turnaround of distribution companies. Discoms face challenges such as billing and metering inefficiencies, T&D losses, high cross-subsidy burden and under-recovery of costs.

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Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (Green Energy Open Access) Regulations, 2023

The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (UERC) has notified Green Energy Open Access Regulations 2023. The regulations, slated to be effective upon their publication in the government gazette, are designed to streamline access to green energy within the state’s transmission and distribution systems, including interstate connections.

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Evaluating readiness for renewable energy adoption in India: a multi-state survey of industrial and residential power consumers

This study aims to develop a bottom-up understanding of the bottlenecks that impede the success of decentralised solutions to renewable energy adoption, particularly rooftop solar. It also seeks to identify a roadmap for directing policy support for overcoming these barriers.

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Uganda 2023: energy policy review

This in-depth review of the energy policies of Uganda follows the format used by the International Energy Agency (IEA) for its peer reviews for member countries. This process supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of international best practices and experiences.

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Latin America energy outlook 2023

Latin America and the Caribbean is a region that stands out in the global energy sector. It boasts extraordinary natural resources – both fossil fuels and renewable energy – and a significant share of the world’s critical minerals.

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Powering India’s future: towards a people-positive energy transition

This compendium, Powering India’s Future: Towards a People-Positive Energy Transition, delves into the complex landscape of India’s energy transformation journey.

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Tripling renewable power and doubling energy efficiency by 2030: crucial steps towards 1.5°C

The COP28 Presidency, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and the Global Renewables Alliance (GRA) launched a joint report on the sidelines of the Pre-COP event in Abu Dhabi, titled “Tripling Renewable Power and Doubling Energy Efficiency by 2030: Crucial Steps Towards 1.5 °C.” The report provides actionable policy recommendation

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Procedure for implementation of uniform renewable energy tariff

The Ministry of Power has issued the Procedure for Implementation of Uniform Renewable Energy Tariff. A notice to this effect was issued on 25th October, 2023. It may be recalled that the Electricity (Amendment) Rules 2022 were notified for the implementation of a uniform renewable energy tariff.

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World energy outlook 2023

India is expected to meet its 2030 target to have half of its electricity capacity be non-fossil well before the end of the decade, according to this IEA’s new World Energy Outlook 2023.

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Notification regarding Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO

The Indian government has made significant modifications to the trajectory for renewable energy purchase obligations (RPOs) in the country. RPOs mandate that a certain percentage of total power consumption in a region should come from renewable sources.

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