Reports and Documents

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Decentralised solar electricity for agri-food value chains in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region

The communities inhabiting the mountainous areas of the Hind Kush Himalaya (HKH) region, which rely mainly on agriculture and farming for their food security and livelihoods, face increasingly severe impacts from climate change.

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India’s renewable energy open access market: trends and outlook

The renewable energy open access (OA) market, which has been expanding in almost all key renewables-rich states in recent years, will continue to overcome policy hurdles to grow organically in the coming years, according to this new report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) and JMK Research & Analytics.

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Draft Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Power (MoP) has issued the draft Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2022. The MoP has suggested creating a central pool of renewable energy sources from which an intermediary company will procure power to be supplied to an entity that will undertake distribution and retail supply to more than one state.

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Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Policy -2022 (Draft)

The Government of Uttar Pradesh on August 07, 2022, issues and adopts Solar Energy Policy, 2022. The main focus of this policy is to provide low cost and reliable power to the people of Uttar Pradesh.

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Slow advancements in sustainable energy: taking stock of SDG 7 progress in Asia and the Pacific

Asia-Pacific countries face a multitude of challenges in achieving their national and global sustainable energy goals. This policy brief provides a review on SDG 7 progress in the region, covering access to electricity, clean cooking, renewable energy, and energy efficiency.

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Twenty-eighth report on action-taken by the Government on observations/recommendations contained in Seventeenth Report (17th Lok Sabha) on the subject Action Plan for Achievement of 175 GW Renewable Energy Target

This Report of the Standing Committee on Energy deals with action-taken by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on observations/recommendations contained in the Seventeenth Report (Seventeenth Lok Sabha) of the Committee (2020-21) on the subject ‘Action Plan for Achievement of 175 GW Renewable Energy Target’.

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Evaluation of wind energy in India: Standing Committee on Energy (20221-22)

The Standing Committee on Energy, present this Twenty-Seventh Report of the Committee on ‘Evaluation of Wind Energy in India’ pertaining to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

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Hybrid and battery energy storage systems: review and recommendations for Pacific Island projects

This publication highlights lessons from 26 case studies in the Cook Islands and Tonga. It provides recommendations on improving the implementation of battery energy storage and renewable energy-based hybrid electricity systems.

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The Africa climate action performance report

Although Africa’s greenhouse gas emissions are low, its contribution to climate change mitigation is critical to global climate action.

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Enhancing Indonesia’s power system: pathways to meet the renewables targets in 2025 and beyond

This report was prepared on the basis of the framework for collaboration established by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of Indonesia on the topic of power system enhancement and renewable energy integration, and in support of the implementation of the upcoming Presidential Decree on r

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