This new report by Greenpeace International, European Solar Thermal Electricity Association (ESTELA) and IEA SolarPACES outlines how under an advanced industry development scenario, concentrating solar power, could meet up to 7% of the world
A European Eco-efficient Economy has been prepared as a background report for the 2009 Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It forms a common basis for discussions at the informal ministerial meetings of the Council dealing with energy, environment and competitiveness .
The gross potential for solar water heating systems in India has been estimated at 140 million sq. m. of collector area. Of this, 40 million sq.m. has been estimated as the realizable techno-economic potential at this stage. In order to accelerate development and deployment of solar water heating systems in the country, a modified programme of support was introduced by the Ministry in 2005.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) perceived it as a new and important window to take up CDM projects with programmatic approach, particularly pertaining to households, small enterprises and rural areas.
This study sought to identify the initial impact that C&S might have on the USA, based on a set of limiting assumptions. In particular, it attempts to quantify the immediate impact
This report highlights a number of key findings from the scenario analysis which are intended to inform policy making both within China, and in international negotiations. These key findings include: Decoupling carbon emissions growth from economic development is challenging but achievable in China, and there is more than one way to achieve it.