Reports and Documents

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Indian states' electricity transition (SET)

Karnataka and Gujarat are the Indian states making the most progress in overall preparedness and commitment in the transition to clean electricity, this new joint report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) and Ember shows.

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Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Power Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 2023

The Himachal Pradesh Regulatory Commission, in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 62, Section 66, Clauses (a),(b) and (e) of Section 86 and Clause (zi) of Sub-section (2) of Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, after previous publication, hereby makes

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Global landscape of renewable energy finance 2023

Global investment in energy transition technologies, including energy efficiency, reached a record high of USD 1.3 trillion in 2022. However, annual investments need to at least quadruple to remain on track to achieve the 1.5°C Scenario in IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook 2022.

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Unlocking sustainable livelihood opportunities for rural women: a case study of mainstreaming women in clean energy powered livelihoods

The study explores learnings, evidence, and recommendations on creating sustainable livelihood opportunities for rural women emanating from gender-forward initiatives deployed by the Powering Livelihoods (PL) programme to mainstream women in the Distributed renewable energy (DRE) powered livelihoods.

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Renewable energy tenders issuance in India not in tandem with government targets

Variable renewable energy tenders issued annually in India have fallen from 40 gigawatts (GW) in 2019 to about 28GW in 2022.

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Global geothermal market and technology assessment

This global assessment provides an overview of developments in the geothermal sector and the factors that will shape the geothermal market in the near future. Geothermal energy – a clean and reliable source of heat and electricity – will play a critical role in the clean energy transition alongside other renewable energy sources.

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Draft guidelines to promote development of Pump Storage Projects (PSP) in the country

Energy Transition entails an increasing presence of variable & intermittent Renewable Energy Sources (VRES) like solar & wind in the energy mix. This presents a grid-level challenge, that would require incentivization of technologies offering storage & ancillary services attributes.

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SDG 7: affordable and clean energy

Across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the greatest progress made in the Asia-Pacific region has been towards Goal 7. There has been considerable success in providing electricity access to urban and rural populations. South and South-West Asia performed exceptionally on electricity access, which helped accelerate progress on SDG 7.

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The changing role of hydropower: challenges and opportunities

Current trends in the power sector have prompted changes in the role of hydropower, creating a need to adjust the way these assets are designed, operated and maintained, according to this new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

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India’s expanding clean energy workforce: 2022 update

This report provides an updated analysis on direct jobs created from solar and wind energy sectors in India in the financial year 2022 (FY22), building on earlier analyses by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Skill Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ).

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