Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

Coordinating land and water governance: an essential part of achieving food security

Feeding the world’s growing population and finding the land and water to grow enough food continues to be a basic and sizeable challenge. It is an enormous task because the increase in food production required to meet future needs may have to be achieved with fewer land and water resources.

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sheeja's picture

Guidance manual on valuation and accounting of ecosystem services for Small Island Developing States

A new manual that will enable policymakers to calculate the true value of ecosystems for a transition to a green economy across the world's 52 small island developing states (SIDS), was launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at a ceremony celebrating the end of the International Year of SIDS.

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sheeja's picture

International comparison of light-duty vehicle fuel economy: evolution over 8 years from 2005 to 2013

The last update of global fuel economy trends, published in 2013, concluded that, while global average fuel economy was improving, more needs to be done to meet the ambitious, yet realistic, GFEI target to cut by half the specific fuel consumption of new passenger light-duty vehicles (in Lge/100km) by 2030.

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sheeja's picture

Enabling farmers to face climate change

This booklet provides an overview of the characteristics and main activities of the projects that are being implemented as part of the second project portfolio of the Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

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sheeja's picture

The evolution of national urban policies: a global overview

A National Urban Policy is a coherent set of decisions derived through a deliberate government-led process of coordinating and rallying various actors for a common vision and goal that will promote more trans-formative, productive, inclusive and resilient urban development for the long term.

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sheeja's picture

Environmental livelihood security in Southeast Asia and Oceania

This document addresses the need for explicit inclusion of livelihoods within the environment nexus (water-energy-food security), not only responding to literature gaps but also addressing emerging dialogue from existing nexus consortia.

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susan's picture

Carbon budget

How the US-China deal has appropriated the carbon budget and left nothing for sustainable development of the rest of the world.

Note: CSE Factsheet

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HFCs: Realising the potential for climate benefits from the Montreal Protocol

In 1987, the Montreal Protocol phased out the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), an ozone-depleting substance (ODS) used as coolants in refrigeration

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susan's picture

Energy efficiency of appliances

Even though the appliance penetration of India is lower than the global standard, its energy consumption is high and will increase. Indian appliance ownership is where China was two decades ago.

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