Reports and Documents

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Mind the gap? a comparison of international and national targets for the SDG agenda

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will set the global development agenda for the next 15 years, with SDG targets acting as a benchmark of progress for rich and poor countries alike.

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Regional trends report on energy for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific 2015

The Regional Trends Report on Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific will further accelerate knowledge-sharing within the region by providing an additional platform for member States to share their experiences, through case studies, regarding the energy sector and its future development.

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Building climate equity: creating a new approach from the ground up

For more than two decades, crafting global actions that all nations believe to be equitable has been a central challenge for international climate policy. A new approach is required to resolve this challenge.

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Energy and climate change: world energy outlook special report 2015

A peak in global energy-related emissions could be achieved as early as 2020 and at no net economic cost says International Energy Agency in this new report .

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Tracking universal health coverage: first global monitoring report

This report is the first of its kind to measure health service coverage and financial protection to assess countries’ progress towards universal health coverage.

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Mediterranean food consumption patterns: diet, environment, society, economy and health

The Mediterranean region is undergoing a "nutrition transition" away from an ancient diet long considered a model for healthy living and sustainable food systems, that preserve the environment and empower local producers.

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Wetland conservation for biodiversity and ecosystem services needs a shift in land and water resources policies

Wetlands are “places where water is the primary factor controlling plant and animal life and the wider environment” and provide a variety of important ecosystem functions such as recharging groundwater supplies and trapping floodwaters in addition to facilitating nutrient cycling and the production of rice and fish as staple food for more than h

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World Report on Child Labour 2015

The second volume of the ILO World Report on Child Labour series highlights the close linkages between child labour and good youth employment outcomes, and the consequent need for common policy approaches to addressing challenges arising in countries where both child labour and youth unemployment prevail.

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E-waste (Management) Rules, 2015

These rules may be called the e-waste (Management) Rules, 2015.

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Africa Progress Report 2015: power, people, planet - seizing Africa’s energy and climate opportunities

Renewable energy is at the forefront of the changes sweeping Africa, and a “triple win” is within the region’s grasp to increase agricultural productivity, improve resilience to climate change, and contribute to long-term reductions in dangerous carbon emissions. This is the message of a new report by former U.N.

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