Reports and Documents

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G20 toolkit for renewable energy deployment: country options for sustainable growth based on remap

The Group of Twenty (G20) has a leading role in technology development and innovation that can help to accelerate renewable energy deployment. The financing institutions within the G20 represent the bulk of the global financing system.

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Resilient cities

This report discusses cities’ resilience from economic, social, environmental and institutional perspectives.

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Nourishing millions: stories of change in nutrition

This book by IFPRI brings together the most intriguing stories from the past five decades to show what works in nutrition, what does not, and the factors that contribute to success. It includes nutrition success stories on the ground in places ranging from Bangladesh, Brazil, Nepal, Peru, Thailand, and Vietnam to Ethiopia and the state of Odisha in India.

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The business end of climate change

Aside from national and sub-national governments taking action against climate change, large potential for emission reductions exists in the corporate sector. More and more companies are making commitments to contribute to the long-term targets of the Paris Agreement.

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Benefit sharing and sustainable hydropower: lessons from Nepal

Mountains offer ideal conditions for the development of hydropower, but the uneven distribution of benefits from project development often create friction and development disputes between communities and project developers.

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Unlocking renewable energy investment: the role of risk mitigation and structured finance


Scaling up renewable energy calls for mobilising a massive investment increase. Renewables bring far reaching benefits in terms of human health, energy access, environmental protection and the response to climate change, along with the potential to create new jobs around the world.

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Understanding industrial CCS hubs and clusters

The report, Understanding Industrial CCS Hubs and Clusters explores the economic benefits of building shared infrastructure for multiple small industrial emitters to reduce emissions using CCS. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is already in use across a variety of industrial applications, and has been for decades.

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Introduction to industrial carbon capture and storage

Introduction to Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage summarises 17 CCS projects across sectors including natural gas processing, fertiliser manufacturing and hydrogen production.

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The State of the World’s Children 2016: A fair chance for every child

By 2030, 69 million children under the age of five will have died, 167 million children will be living in poverty and 750 million women will have been married as children, unless the issues facing the most disadvantaged children are tackled says this annual UNICEF report.

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Willingness to pay for clean air: evidence from air purifier markets in China

Experts have calculated the cost of pollution in China for years, weighing the drag on productivity from medical costs, factory closures and traffic restrictions. Now economists say they know exactly how much consumers are willing to pay to clean their own air.

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