Reports and Documents

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Assessing the emission impacts of current plans for constructing and retrofitting thermal power plants in Japan

New analysis from the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies finds that current plans to build new, and retrofit old, fossil fuel power plants in Japan would exceed CO2 emission estimates, derailing efforts to meet the country’s climate targets unless they operate at a lower capacity.

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Towards resilient non-engineered construction

Increasing the resilience of buildings to natural hazards is essential as we strive to design more sustainable cities. Earthquakes pose considerable risks, as they have caused the highest number of casualties due to natural hazards in the last decade.

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A breath of fresh air: addressing climate change and air pollution together for health

The latest report from the UK Health Alliance, A Breath of Fresh Air, makes the case for much more integrated strategies to address air pollution and climate change. It argues that approaches to addressing both challenges simultaneously will create much greater health benefits and cost-savings than strategies which address them separately.

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Renewable energy in cities

The transition to renewables cuts across the entire urban energy landscape, from buildings to transport, to industry and power. Renewables can bring tremendous benefits to cities, including cleaner air, modern services and improved living spaces.

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Achieving a nutrition revolution for Africa: the road to healthier diets and optimal nutrition

Focusing the 2015 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) on nutrition will contribute to a broader understanding of the critical role of nutrition in achieving international, continental, and national economic growth targets through agriculture, food security, and nutrition.

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