Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (Green Energy Open Access) Regulations, 2023

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The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (UERC) has notified Green Energy Open Access Regulations 2023. The regulations, slated to be effective upon their publication in the government gazette, are designed to streamline access to green energy within the state’s transmission and distribution systems, including interstate connections. These regulations delineate the eligibility criteria for entities seeking open access, emphasising the necessity of connectivity to intra-state transmission or distribution systems for generating stations, including captive plants. A noteworthy provision allows simultaneous applications for connectivity and open access. For consumers with a contracted demand of 100 kW or more, there are no restrictions on green energy open access, while captive consumers and renewable energy generators face no specified caps. All consumers, however, must maintain approved capacity or schedule for a minimum of 12 daily time blocks.

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