Feature Article

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Comparative analysis of old, recycled and new PV modules

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This paper presents comparative analysis of old, recycled and new PV modules. It is possible to recycle even very old products by modern standard processes in a value-conserving manner. About 90% of the materials recovered from solar panels can be recycled into useful products. Carbon emission and energy cost are low in manufacturing recycled SPV. Modules can be manufactured with recycled materials and reinstalled in systems as a full quality product with today’s technology good for another 25–30 years. Analysis of all the models of PV module is done with the help of MATLAB.

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Shortest path routing in solar powered WSNs using soft computing techniques

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The main objective of this paper is to develop a three phase genetic algorithm to find the shortest path routing in solar poweredWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), and thereby reducing the energy loss and the time consumed in the communication between various nodes (sensors) of the same. A three phase hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed for solving the shortest Path (SP) routing problem. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with Dijkstra, Munemoto, and Ahn algorithms.

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Re-assessment of net energy production and greenhouse gas emissions avoidance after 40 years of photovoltaics development

Since the 1970s, installed solar photovoltaic capacity has grown tremendously to 230 gigawatt worldwide in 2015, with a growth rate between 1975 and 2015 of 45%. This rapid growth has led to concerns regarding the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of photovoltaics production. We present a review of 40 years of photovoltaics development, analysing the development of energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions associated with photovoltaics production. Here we show strong downward trends of environmental impact of photovoltaics production, following the experience curve law.

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The role of capital costs in decarbonizing the electricity sector

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Low-carbon electricity generation, i.e. renewable energy, nuclear power and carbon capture and storage, is more capital intensive than electricity generation through carbon emitting fossil fuel power stations. High capital costs, expressed as high weighted average cost of capital (WACC), thus tend to encourage the use of fossil fuels. To achieve the same degree of decarbonization, countries with high capital costs therefore need to impose a higher price on carbon emissions than countries with low capital costs.

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Can wind and solar fuel Africa’s future?

With prices for renewables dropping, many countries in Africa might leap past dirty forms of energy towards a cleaner future.

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Life Cycle Assessment of an innovative recycling process for crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels

Lifecycle impacts of photovoltaic (PV) plants have been largely explored in several studies. However, the end-of-life phase has been generally excluded or neglected from these analyses, mainly because of the low amount of panels that reached the disposal yet and the lack of data about their end of life. It is expected that the disposal of PV panels will become a relevant environmental issue in the next decades. This article illustrates and analyses an innovative process for the recycling of silicon PV panel.

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Using bias-corrected reanalysis to simulate current and future wind power output

Reanalysis models are rapidly gaining popularity for simulating wind power output due to their convenience and global coverage. However, they should only be relied upon once thoroughly proven. This paper reports the first international validation of reanalysis for wind energy, testing NASA's MERRA and MERRA-2 in 23 European countries. Both reanalyses suffer significant spatial bias, overestimating wind output by 50% in northwest Europe and underestimating by 30% in the Mediterranean.

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Enforcing Renewable Purchase Obligations


The Renewable Purchase Obligation mechanism and the trade of Renewable Energy Certificates were introduced to promote investment in renewable energy. However, the RPO requirement has not been met in many cases in India, which has resulted in low trading in RECs. While there are a few instances of state electricity regulatory commissions imposing penalties, a uniform enforcement of this mechanism by imposing specific penalties on non-complying entities can be recommended.

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China's wind electricity and cost of carbon mitigation are more expensive than anticipated

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The success of China's transition to a low-carbon energy system will be key to achieve the global level of emissions reductions needed to avoid large negative consequences from climate change. China is undergoing an impressive build up of renewable capacity, in particular wind.

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Wind turbine noise – a pilot study in India

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In the context of achieving a national set target of 60 GW by 2022, a study was carried out in Kayathar, Tuticorin district, Tamil Nadu, India on noise propagation from wind turbines. Acoustic and non-acoustic parameters were measured according to IEC 61400-11 at wind speeds of 4–13 and 0.7–8.6 m/s. 

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