Report on Tawang river basin study: cumulative impact assessment of proposed hydel power projects, determination of basin carrying capacity, and landscape level biodiversity management plan

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While considering the accordance of forest clearance for 750 MW Tawang-I and 750 MW Tawang-II projects, the Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, (MoEF and CC) asked the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to conduct a study on Tawang river basin with the following objectives: To assess the impact of thirteen hydro-electric projects planned in the basin, ancillary industries/activities, including influx of migrant workers, displacement of local ST population etc., on local ecology and biodiversity; To assess the ecological water flow at different places along Tawang river and its tributaries; To prepare a biodiversity management plan at the landscape level for the river basin; To prepare a 15-20 years perspective plan for the cumulative development of the Tawang river basin; and To assess carrying capacity of Tawang river basin.

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