Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

World energy issues monitor 2024

In a world where the demands for secure, affordable and sustainable energy are ever-increasing, global and national energy systems are showing signs of deficiencies and strains everywhere.

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Adapting zero-emission vehicle incentives for a mainstream market

This paper explores the evolution and future direction of financial incentives to promote zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption and suggests adjustments to reflect the maturing ZEV market. The analysis highlights the need for tailored incentives that consider local conditions and market changes.

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Sociocultural dimensions in water resources management: policies, practices, and challenges

Sociocultural Dimensions in Water Resources Management: Policies, Practices, and Challenges critically explores the complex challenges of ensuring sustainable development and effective water governance amid diverse cultural contexts.

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Air quality in major Indian cities over the winter months

The objective of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of winter pollution PM2.5 levels in major cities in India, Including Mumbai, Varanasi, Patna, Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow, and Kolkata, for the years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.

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Global energy outlook 2024: peaks or plateaus?

The future of the global energy system is deeply uncertain, and the choices that are made in the coming years will have enormous consequences for the future of the climate and, indeed, human civilization.

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International co-operation to accelerate green hydrogen deployment

This report from IRENA's Collaborative Framework on Green Hydrogen assesses progress in green hydrogen deployment. The report gauges the success achieved to date in translating green hydrogen strategies and plans into actions – particularly in the context of green hydrogen supply and demand structures.

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Annual climate summary 2023

The report discusses the climate condition over Indian region during the year 2023. Notably, global temperatures soared to exceptionally high levels during this period (WMO.No.1347). The India Meteorological Department continuously monitors weather and climate over Indian region.

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Pollution characterization and quantification in the agriculture sectors

Typical agriculture sectors like animal production and processing, aquaculture and its processing, and fruit and vegetable processing, can be water-intensive and generate complex and sometimes severe pollution.

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Economic valuation of ecosystem services of selected interventions in agriculture in India

Agriculture is multi-functional, producing economic goods including food, feed, fibre, and fuel, as well as providing several intangible or non-tradable services to society free of cost.

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Nigeria’s fossil fuel subsidy reforms: the welfare effects on households

Understanding the distributional consequences of progressive fossil fuel subsidy reform is critical to the sustainability of reform efforts as well as progress towards more just and inclusive energy transitions.

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