Reports and Documents

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Need for integrated policy and institutional framework for the implementation of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission in rural areas

The Nation Solar Mission is dependent the performance of its first phase and its later phases are contingent on the first phase outcomes. Certain portion of the subsidy is also contingent under a potential climate deal in future. There is thus an emergent need for accelerated progress for implementing the targets in the First Phase.

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Report of the sub committee on development of sustainable habitat parameters in the field of urban planning

This report on Development of Sustainable Habitat Parameters in the field of Urban Planning has been prepared by a Sub-Committee constituted by the Ministry of Urban Development under the National Mission for Sustainable Habitat (HMSH), one of the missions of the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC).

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Analysis of international policies in the solar electricity sector: lessons for India

This report presents an analysis of solar promotion policies in seven countries - Germany, Spain, the United States, Japan, China, Taiwan, and India – in terms of their outlook, objectives, policy mechanisms and outcomes. The report presents key insights, primarily in qualitative terms, and recommendations for two distinct audiences.

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Global warming, CDM and coal power plants

Global warming has been considered as the existential threat for the man kind. The global community has identified many responses to reduce the impact of global warming; effectively reducing the emissions from coal burning is a major step in this regard.

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Role of forest on climate change adaptation

The objectives of the study are: Identify how forest ecosystems support enhancement of adaptive capacity of local communities; Analyze win-win roles of forests for climate change mitigation and adaptation (using multi-criteria analysis); Analyze policy gaps in Nepal to bring forests in the forefront of climate change adaptation while enhancing m

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International dimensions of climate change

Like many countries, the UK is currently undertaking a major exercise to understand the level of risk posed by climate change, to inform the policies and measures that will need to be adopted over this century.

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State of the world’s minorities and indigenous peoples 2011

In the year that saw the establishment of a new UN agency for women, minority and indigenous women faced systematic violence, discrimination and marginalization. Both their identity as women and their membership of disadvantaged communities placed them at risk.

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Subsidized timber and nonwood forest produce allotment policy - 2011

The Policy of the Royal Government of Bhutan to provide goods and services on subsidized rate to the Bhutanese people started even before the Department of Forest was established. During those periods the system was implemented by the Civil Authorities. The marking of timber/trees was done by the guards from the Civil Offices.

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World investment report 2011: non-equity modes of international production and development

Global foreign direct investment (FDI) has not yet bounced back to pre-crisis levels, though some regions show better recovery than others. The reason is not financing constraints, but perceived risks and regulatory uncertainty in a fragile world economy.

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