Reports and Documents

sheeja's picture

India’s energy transition: pathways for low-carbon economy

The transition to a low carbon economy heralds an economic and social transformation that is exciting as well as challenging. The challenges that face India include: enhancing economic opportunities and living standards for a growing population and addressing the environmental threats.

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sheeja's picture

Climate and environmental change: views from life in a time of food price volatility

How are rapid recent food price changes linked to climate and environmental change? How do people who are vulnerable to these changes view these links?

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sheeja's picture

Cleaning Pakistan’s air: policy options to address the cost of outdoor air pollution

Air pollution in Pakistan’s urban centers is among the most severe in the world. Every year, it results in more than 20 thousand premature deaths among adults and in almost five million cases of illnesses among young children in Pakistan. In addition, urban air pollution affects the quality of life and the economy and environment of Pakistan.

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sheeja's picture

Climate Change and migration: evidence from the Middle East and North Africa

Climate change and migration are major concerns in the Middle East and North Africa region, yet the empirical evidence on the impact of climate change and extreme weather events on migration remains limited.

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susan's picture

The other Asian enigma explaining the rapid reduction of undernutrition in Bangladesh

South Asia has long been synonymous with persistent and unusually high rates of child undernutrition—the so-called Asian enigma. Yet contrary to this stereotype, Bangladesh has managed to sustain a rapid reduction in the rate of child undernutrition for at least two decades.

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susan's picture

Unhappy cities

There are persistent differences in self-reported subjective well-being across U.S. metropolitan areas, and residents of declining cities appear less happy than other Americans. Newer residents of these

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susan's picture

Staff paper on extended market session on power exchanges

The paper discusses additional contracts for extended market session on power exchanges. This is in response to the deviation settlement mechanism regulation and tightening of the operating frequency band notified recently.

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susan's picture

Assessing the water, sanitation and hygiene needs of people living with HIV and AIDS in Papua New Guinea

However, comprehensive care and support, treatment and preventative services are improving across PNG, resulting in people living with HIV leading longer and healthier lives.

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susan's picture

Smart Freight: Applications of information and communications technologies to freight system efficiency

Information and communications technology (ICT) can permit large energy savings in the freight transportation sector while improving speed, reliability, and security.

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