Reports and Documents

susan's picture

Sugary Drink FACTS

Sugary drinks are the leading single source of empty calories in young people’s diets and directly contribute to diet-related diseases, including obesity and diabetes. Each 8-ounce serving of a sugary drink added to a child’s diet increases his or her risk of obesity by 60%.4.

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sheeja's picture

Water and the rural poor: interventions for improving livelihoods in Asia

Poverty continues to be a major concern in Asia despite the region’s high economic growth and rapid rural transformation. Most of the poor live in areas where natural resource conditions are suboptimal and water-related constraints are the root cause of low production and increasing vulnerability to natural disasters and climate variability.

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sheeja's picture

Climate policy implementation tracking framework

Countries around the world are increasingly developing policies to address climate change and mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While this trend is encouraging, policies will only be successful in meeting the climate challenge to the extent that they are fully implemented.

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sheeja's picture

Climate change, out-migration and agrarian stress: the potential for upscaling small-scale water storage in Nepal

Climate change could have a critical impact on agriculture in Nepal due to changes in the variability of water availability and associated uncertainty. In this context, small-scale water storage—most notably ponds and tanks—can moderate this variability. This report explores the potential role of small-scale storage

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sheeja's picture

The design and sustainability of renewable energy incentives: an economic analysis

Rapid urbanization and economic growth, new demographic trends, and climate change are key challenges that developing countries must face as they strive to meet growing energy demand.

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sheeja's picture

Power for all: electricity access challenge in India

India has led the developing world in addressing rural energy problems. By late 2012, the national electricity grid had reached 92 percent of India's rural villages, about 880 million people.

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sheeja's picture

Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in South Asia

This multifaceted project implemented by four consortium partners in South Asia aims to contribute to the study of vulnerability to climate change. The research carried out at different scales, both top-down and at the local level, each using different methodologies.

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MDG report 2014: assessing progress in Africa toward the Millennium Development Goals

While an increasing number of Africans are enjoying higher living standards, countries in Sub-Saharan Africa should redouble efforts to ensure crises such as the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa do not reverse development achievements, says the latest MDG report on Africa.

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