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Bangladeshi beacon

THE Grameen Bank - a rural credit scheme in Bangladesh - is making waves. The bank, the brainchild of economist Muhammad Yunus, advances loans to the poorest sections of the society and reached

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Taking off on flyash

Worried by rising flyash production in power plant- expected to touch 100 million tonnes today - the department of science and technology(DST) has initiated a project to dispose and utilise flyash.

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The one shot wonder

A NEW one-dose vaccine against typhoid, developed by K P Klugman of South Africa, has recently been licensed and introduced in India. The vaccine does not cause the swelling and fever

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Welcome change

BRITAIN and China have finally joined the international ban on dumping nuclear wastes at sea. The two countries, Russia, Belgium and France had abstained when the London Convention - a

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Stepping into danger

The multinational Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL) is facing the music from its employees for allegedly, issuing boots containing carcinogenic materials. In a legal notice served in January this

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Ultrasound grading

THE distasteful task of grading beef by inspecting carcasses can now be bypassed. Two researchers at Iowa State University in the US have come up with a far more accurate technique to rate

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Factories of death

NORTH Korea is in the news again. Soon after it agreed to accept international inspections of its nuclear facilities, the South Korean government released a report that said North Korea

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'Bonus' on the sly

Police in Bombay are paying a high price for mixing business with pleasure; One of the two policemen who tested HIV positive last December was a constable posted in a red-light area, according to the

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Carnation kamikaze

VIRUSES plaguing crops may soon meet their nemesis in what may be described as kamikaze genes residing in carnations. Martin Hartley of the University of Warwick has inserted into the

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Back in vogue

WOOD has again emerged as a popular heating fuel in Germany and France. A programme launched seven years ago in the thickly wooded Landes region of southwestern France to promote wood as fuel

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