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Atomic measurement

A team led by B Phillips and Paul Lett at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Maryland, US, have observed the retardation effect, that is, the small but finite delay between the

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Instead of the usual scenes of gaiety to celebrate the 'Discovery of Brazil' on April 22, Brazilian Indians undertook protest demonstrations to display their anger against an administration

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Oily trap for a quark

If caught, it could spell trouble for the Standard Model of particle physics; although success has eluded most scientists, a group of relentless researchers refuse to give up the search for a free quark

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The Amazon jungle may have actually been the handiwork of humans rather than a natural feature. This startling find is the result of a recent exploration of a cave - Caverna da Pedra

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Atom: the whole picture

X ray holography, a neoteric way of studing atomic configurations, promises to give a three dimensional picture of the arrangement of atoms in a crystal

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Crabs of Bangladesh may soon play an important role in the nation's economy. According to export promotion bureau officials, crabs are available in plenty, especially in the coastal areas.

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Mystery behind the dazzle

Far away from the sun but exceptionally bright, the comet Hale Bopp has baffled a lot of scientists who are struggling to explain its strange behaviour

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With a US $30 million grant from the European Commission (EC) announced recently, the Punjab and North West Frontier provinces in Pakistan are being targeted for environmental

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Diamonds are not forever

Scientists are busy looking for a compound which they say is going to replace diamond as the hardest substance

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Hypertension and anaemia are the new buzzwords in health circles in Bhutan. For the first time, under the health systems research programme, the two ailments which primarily affects pregnant women,

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