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November marks the beginning of the breeding season of the endangered Olive Ridley turtle on the Gahirmatha coast in the eastern state of Orissa. The first school of the protected turtles is expected

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Radio in the brain

A team of researchers led by Ehud Ahissar of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, says that the brain always keeps track of changing frequencies of neurones like a Frequency

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Yarns of problems

the findings of the Central Institute of Research for Cotton ( circot ), New Delhi, published in the Indian Textiles Journal , say that it is favourable for the Indian industry that

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Talking about sex

Male development is crucially dependent on the expression of a gene present on the Y cromosome

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Deeper than hide

at a a recently held workshop at the Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, a consensus was reached to adopt an eco-label scheme for Indian leather in accordance with international standards. The workshop was sponsored by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization's ( unido 's) regional programme for pollution control in the tanning industry in Southeast Asia ( r e po ).

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Unhealthy trend

Rise in infectious diseases in the canal s command area

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Natural resistance

two prostitutes in Kenya have a surprising resistance to aids . Researchers at a clinic in the Majengo slum on the outskirts of Nairobi say that Hawa Chelangat, 34, and Hadija Chemutai, 31, are

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Positive move

Kerala to set up biodiversity board

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Dying out

Sperm count and quality of human semen are declining in India

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Problem of pests

Ecological imbalance and pestilence in western Rajasthan

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