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Onco mouse raises hackles

IT'S BEEN a rat race to get the patent. But Harvard University's onco-mouse, a creature designed in a laboratory for cancer research, may still not make it. In mid-May, shortly after the European

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Permit to pollute

THE first deal to trade pollution permits has been signed in USA. This fortnight, two American power plants have agreed to buy from the other the right to emit sulphur dioxide. The Tennessee

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Government policy wrong, says scientist

The government is on the wrong track and it's infected blood, not sexual intercourse, which transmits AIDS in the country

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Is the sea rising?

RISING sea levels and drowning areas is one of the much publicised consequences of global waarming - in fact, sea levels do rise, the effect on island countries like the Maldives and those with long

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Substituting natural gas for diesel

Buses in the northern and western parts of the country may soon run on a mixture of diesel and natural gas

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Western expansionism caused more carbon emission

THIRTY years of deforestation in the temperate regions has caused more pollution than 140 years' use of forests in the tropics. When' temperate forests were cut down in the 19th century by the

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Cheaper pollution control

LARGESCALE use of CNG as an automotive fuel can give breathing space to people in the heavily-polluted metropolitan cities of India. Motor vehicles are said to be responsible for 60 per cent

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Not just any old mollusc

AN octopus can learn tasks simply by watching other octopuses at work. This observation has surprised researchers who believed such mental capacities to be the sale preserve of higher

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Increase in green cover, says report

India has 28,000 ha more forests than last year, according to the Forest Survey of India

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Transplanted maize taking root

WHILE rice transplantation is a traditional practice in Asia, maize transplantation, a fairly recent technique, is now gaining ground in many countries. The technique helps farmers harvest a

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