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Sex, lies and AIDS

Many of the Caribbean's hiv positive patients are choosing to keep their status secret from their sexual partners; they continue to have unprotected sex. aids awareness programmes in the region have

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Diphtheria doom

THE inefficacy of locally made vaccines, according to doctors, is fanning the resurgence of a diphtheria epidemic in Russia and the newly independant states of the former Soviet Union. In the first 9

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EU's helping hand

The European Union (eu), through its European Community Humanitarian Office (echo), wishes to establish itself as one of the principle providers of humanitarian assistance to politically troubled

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Tall claims

FELIX murillo, chief of the Peruvian National Statistical Institute, has claimed a reduction of 8 per cent in poverty, as revealed by official surveys of standards of living between 1991 and 1994.

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• A Rs 700 crore National Fund for Calamity Relief (NFCR) has been set up by the Centre to provide immediate assistance to states during floods, cyclones, drought and earthquakes. •

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A few rotten NGOs...

...have create enough of a stink to taint the rest of the much vaunted 'Third Sector', says a government funded body

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Losing ground

Buried under the weight of injury claims filed by thousands of women who have used silicone breast implants, the Dow Corning Corporation filed for bankruptcy protection in a federal court in Bay

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Drug patents

Big pharmaceutical companies in the US are rejoicing over a new Food and Drug Administration ruling that gives them an extension of 3 years on their drug patents. Consumer groups are not exactly

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Defending aquaculture

Reacting to the report filed recently in the Supreme Court by the Pune-based National Environmental Engineering Institute, the Aquaculture Foundation of India (AFI) has decided to file a counter

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Coriander, used only for culinary purposes till recently, can now be used as a source of industrial nylon. Scientists of the John Innes Institute in Norwich, United Kingdom, have found out that

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