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Gassing the truth

More than a decade after the Bhopal gas disaster, the data collected from those exposed to the gas remains shrouded in mystery

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A hearty solution

Transmyocardial laser revascularisation (TMR), a new technique for creating channels in the left ventri

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Liuminying, a small village south-west of Beijing, is an environmentalist's dreamland. It has emerged as a world-famous model of a perfect ecological village. The United Nations Environmental

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All about Alamatti

The Alamatti dispute between Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh joins the ranks of the nation s major wrangles over river waters

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Pollinators in peril

Ninety per cent of the world's most important food crops are threa

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On July 4, 1997, planet Mars will see robots crawling about, seeking more evidence of life there, egged on by the extraordinary find of life in a Martian meteorite below which had landed on Earth 13,000 years ago. But for the moment, that find itsel

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Look before you leap

Denmark has for the first time introduced a law relating to the transfer of polluting technologies to other countries

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Slipping out of the mess

Researchers from the Southampton Oceanography Centre in the US have recently developed a measuring device which could enhance the efficiency of clean up operations following an oil spill.

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Perched atop an abyss

The predatory Nile perch, introduced with all good intentions into the Lake Victoria, is turning out to be the magnificent lake s nemesis

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Promising cure

for the millions suffering from tuberculosis, especially in the Third World countries, the development of a new vaccine offers a glimmer of hope. Scientists at the Medical Research Council, uk, have

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