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Soyabean output can be doubled, says VORDI

Soyabean production in the country can be doubled by 2002 , the terminal year, of the Ninth Plan by bringing over nine million hectares of "fallow" land under cultivation. "By using short-duration

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Freshwater dolphins of China's Yangtze river face doom

Here are some of the things that the Yangtze River dolphin is not:It is not black and white and furry. It does not sit in adorable poses and chew on bamboo shoots. It is not the focus of a worldwide

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Thinner people live longer

Study : The study is based on American Cancer Society data on 324,135 men and women who were enrolled in 1960 and then followed up in 1972. It was published in Thursday's issue of the New England

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Freshwater dolphins of China's Yangtze river face doom

The large freshwater whitefin dolphin of Yangtze river is dying off at an alarming rate. Biologists believe that fewer than 100 of the dolphins remain in the lower reaches of the river, the only

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Thinner people live longer

Study : One of the biggest studies ever to look at the effects of weight on longevity concludes that thinner is definitely better at almost all ages. It found that being too heavy seems to shorten

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Automakers take multiple routes to cut emissions

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Automakers are pursuing several routes toward meeting California's stringent emissions rules and addressing global pollution concerns. Following are brief sketches of some of the main types : Honda

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Pollution -control equipment

Investments in environment protection have always been the last in the Indian companies' priority list. However, the recent Supreme Court judgement for setting up dehydrogenetion and desulphurisation

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Cold start for electric car sales in California

Vehicle makers are pressing California's clean air regulators to revise rules on sales quotas for zero emission vehicles following disappointing sales of electric

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Plastic pallets challenge wood

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A new venture in making plastic pallets-which could ultimately replace the tens of millions of wooden pallets used around the world-has been formed between companies in the UK and

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Kidney racket forces closure of Patna clinic

A Private nursing home in a posh locality of the State capital has closed down following the publication of a news item in "The Pioneer " that it had become the centre for a well-organised kidney

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