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Shrimp mentality

The us ban on exports of shrimp from India reflects a myopic approach and is likely to rebound when India takes the case to the World Trade Organization

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Waste to watt

The UK-based Waste Gas Techno

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One, two many?

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The Indian way for Africa?

At a recent workshop on food processing technologies, African specialists felt they have found a way out of the serialised food crisis

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Struggling to conserve

A new technique to preserve the giant panda using in vitro fertilisation, has set off a debate. The technique s opponents would rather welcome an improvement in the animal s natural habitat

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Baking secrets

In wheat kernels, there are more than hundred different types of storage proteins, which are of great importance to the baking quality of the dough. There are mainly two groups of proteins in

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The Food and Agriculture Organization, ( fao) a body of the UN, has remarked that unless water-short farmers in Asia resort to

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A golden crop

A transgenic sunflower seed not only comes with monetary gains for the farmer but also carries sundry agronomic benefits

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Easy solution

problems of environmental degradation can be ironed out, literally! Christopher Nagel and his team at the Molten Metal Technology in Waltham, Massachusetts, along with Robert Bach, a chemist at

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Manure magic

Farmers living in the upper reaches of Nepal have developed an ingenious way of maintaining soil fertility

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